Sunday, December 12, 2010

My Christmas List

I am naturally an introvert. So usually when I have free time, especially if I have been busy, I just want to sit in my apartment and do nothing. Seriously, sometimes I just sit and really do nothing!

But this Christmas, I decided, if it was possible and I saw the opportunity, I was going to do as many Christmas things as possible or at least appreciate the Christmas moments that were around. So this is my list of the Christmas moments I have experienced so far this holiday season.

~The day after Thanksgiving, my roommate and myself bought our Christmas tree and invited friends and family over to help us decorate it. We strung cranberries and popcorn on the tree and hung our ornaments. We asked each other Christmas trivia. We also drank eggnog and apple cider, and watched "It's a Wonderful Life".  It doesn't get much more "Christmasy" than that!

~Now that my parents are *almost* empty nesters, they don't have as much help decorating their house for Christmas. So one night I went over there and helped my mom hang all the stockings. We now have 10 stockings in our house! I love that our family keeps growing!

~One day all of my sisters and mom got together to divide all of the Christmas items my mom did not want or knew were ours. We had many laughs. I sometimes wonder what people are thinking when they make some Christmas decorations. My oldest sister did a wonderful job trying to convince us that some tacky item was worth claiming as our own. I did manage to find a white elephant gift! I love when moments like these end up with tears from laughing!

~I went to a Mormon church last Sunday to look at hundreds of Nativity scenes displayed. It was so fascinating to see how creative people get with Nativity sets. I couldn't help but think of the little boy that I watch who is obsessed with Nativity sets. I could picture him saying "Look Heather! Baby Jesus!".

~How could it be Christmas without an invitation to an Ugly Christmas Sweater party? I am always amazed at how hard it is to find an ugly Christmas sweater when I see so many ladies wearing them! The thrift stores were out of them but I managed to get one at Kohls at a bargain price. This did not come without having to navigate around the four elderly ladies excited about such a great deal on festive sweaters! Haha! 

~One of my goals every Christmas season is to drink every holiday drink at Starbucks at least once! I was able to accomplish this already and have decided this year, I favor the Gingerbread Latte. Delicious!

~I went shopping with my sister yesterday. While we were shopping we walked past Carolers and even Mrs. Clause, a reindeer and an elf! Now that was some Christmas spirit!

I still have ahead of me a Christmas cookie exchange party, a Gingerbread house party and a few friendly get-togethers. All of these festivities have truly made me smile!

I cannot finish this post without mentioning listening to my favorite Christmas songs multiple times. This year I have two favorites: "O' Holy Night" and "The Christmas Hymn". I am a lyrics person so when you listen to the songs, listen to the lyrics. :-)


  1. Have you ever heard of a peppermint eggnog drink? (I think it's latte....I forget what comes after the word eggnog, ha.) It was actually very good!!

  2. I haven't. But it sounds like it is worth trying. :-)
